@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010017, author = {"Nagasaki, K. and Itoh, K. and Itoh, S. -I"}, month = {Feb}, note = {"Analytic model of the divertor biasing is described. For the given plasma and energy sources from the core plasma, the heat and particle flux densities on the divertor plate as well as scrape-off-layer (SOL)/divertor plasmas are analyzed in a slab model. Using a two-dimensional model, the effects of the divertor biasing and SOL current are studied. The conditions to balance the plasma temperature or sheath potential on different divertor plates are obtained. Effect of the SOL current on the heat channel width is also discussed."}, title = {Model of Divertor Biasing and Control of Scrape-off Layer and Divertor Plasmas}, year = {1991} }