@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010104, author = {"Ohyabu, N. and Noda, N. and Hantao, Ji and Akao, H. and Akaishi, K. and Ono, T. and Kaneko, H. and Kawamura, T. and Kubota, Y. and Morimoto, S. and Watanabe, T. and Yamazaki, K. and Motojima, O. and Sagara, A."}, month = {May}, note = {"The Large Helical device (LHD), now under construction is a Heliotron/torsatron device with a closed divertor system. The edge LHD magnetic structure has been studied in detail. A peculiar feature of the configuration is existence of edge surface layers, a complicated three dimensional magnetic structure. However it does not seem to hamper the expected divertor functions. As a confinement improvement scheme in LHD, we have proposed a high temperature divertor plasma operation in which a divertor plasma with temperature of a few kev, generated by efficient pumping, leads to the confinement improvement. Conceptual designs of the LHD divertor components are under way."}, title = {Helical Divertor in the Large Helical Device}, year = {1992} }