@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010422, author = {"Yabe, T. and Daido, H. and Matsunaga, E. and Aoki, T. and Arisawa, K."}, month = {May}, note = {"We have succeeded for the first time to simulate dynamic phase transition from metal to vapor. The crater size created by 650 mJ laser in 8nsec agrees well with the simulation including an elastic-plastic effect and its depth is 100 mu m which corresponds to anomalously large cutting speed of 10^6 cm/sec for 8ns pulse. However, the simulation demonstrates that evaporation is caused by remnant hot gas during several 100 ns and occurs in the direction of 75 degree in an intermittent and unstable manner leading to a unique explanation on the angular distribution of debris."}, title = {Anomalous Crater Formation in Pulsed-Laser-Illuminated Aluminum Slab and Debris Distribution}, year = {1996} }