@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010470, author = {"Yokoyamna, M. and Hedrick, L. and Watanabe, K.Y. and Nakajima, N."}, month = {Feb}, note = {"The GIOTA code is introduced with the emphasis on its logics and characteristics for the purpose of the evaluation of the ripple transport in helical systems. It is rather easy-to-use code with taking into account rigorously the effect of the finite rotational transform and the magnetic field topography. To demonstrate its capability, the effective helical ripple is calculated for LHD (Large Helical Device) configurations with a wide range scan of magnetic axis position, (Rax) and plasma beta value (beta)."}, title = {The Configuration Dependence of Ripple Transport in LHD by the Application of the GIOTA Code}, year = {2005} }