@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010561, author = {IDA, Katsumi and YOSHINUMA, Mikiro and YOSHINUMA, Mikirou and TSUCHIYA, Hayato and Kobayashi, Tatsuya and SUZUKI, Chihiro and YOKOYAMA, Masayuki and SHIMIZU, Akihiro and NAGAOKA, Kenichi and NAGAOKA, Ken-ichi and INAGAKI, Shigeru and ITOH, Kimitaka and LHD, Experiment Group}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, month = {May}, note = {0000-0002-0585-4561, Response of the plasma toroidal flow to the forward and backward transition between the nested and the stochastic magnetic field is studied using the charge exchange spectroscopy in the large helical device (LHD). Abrupt damping of toroidal flow associated with a transition from nested magnetic flux surface to a stochastic magnetic field is observed when the magnetic shear at the rational surface decreases to 0.5 after the exchange of the neutral beam injection (NBI) direction from co- to counter-direction in LHD. The stochastization of magnetic field occurs only in a narrow range of magnetic shear near 0.5 and spontaneous back-transition from stochastic to nested magnetic field (healing) is observed in the steady-state phase of magnetic shear. When the NBI direction is changed from counter- to co-direction, the healing of magnetic field occurs associated with the increase of magnetic shear.}, title = {Response of plasma toroidal flow to the transition between nested and stochastic magnetic field in LHD}, volume = {57}, year = {2017} }