@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011231, author = {FUNABA, Hisamichi and YAMADA, Ichihiro and YASUHARA, Ryo and UEHARA, Hiyori and TOJO, Hiroshi and YATSUKA, Eiichi and LEE, Jong-ha and HUANG, Yuan}, issue = {Special Issue 1}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, month = {May}, note = {0000-0003-2217-6018, As a signal processing method for fast digitizers of the switched-capacitor-type in Thomson scattering diagnostics, a “model fitting” method is proposed. An ideal shape of the signal is estimated by this method by averaging many Thomson scattering signals. After applying this method to a relatively low density LHD plasma, the scattering of electron temperature profiles becomes small. The magnitude of error is also reduced by about 60% at some spatial channels in the core plasma. Simulations of signals with some noises based on the JT-60SA Thomson scattering system enables a showing of the expected error in electron temperature. The error can be suppressed by the “model fitting” method.}, title = {Fast Signal Modeling for Thomson Scattering Diagnostics and Effects on Electron Temperature Evaluation}, volume = {17}, year = {2022} }