@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011307, author = {SEKI, Ryosuke and OGAWA, Kunihiro and ISOBE, Mitsutaka and YOKOYAMA, Masayuki and MURAKAMI, Sadayoshi and NUGA, Hideo and KAMIO, Shuji and FUJIWARA, Yutaka and OSAKABE, Masaki and LHD Experiment Group}, issue = {Special Issue 2}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, month = {Jul}, note = {0000-0002-5364-805X, We compared the experimentally measured neutron emission rate with the emission rate calculated by using the simple Fokker-Planck equation with the experimental temperature and density profiles, and the deuteron density evaluated by a spectroscopy in peripheral region in LHD. The neutron emission rates evaluated by the FIT3D-DD code are approximately two times higher than experimental results in the typical magnetic configuration of LHD. In the case of low fast-ion confinement, the calculations are approximately four times higher than experimental measurements.}, title = {Evaluation of Neutron Emission Rate with FIT3D-DD Code in Large Helical Device}, volume = {14}, year = {2019} }