@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011317, author = {TOIDA, Mieko and IGAMI, Hiroe and SAITO, Kenji and AKIYAMA, Tsuyoshi and KAMIO, Shuji and SEKI, Ryosuke}, issue = {Special Issue 2}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, month = {Jun}, note = {0000-0003-2691-5068, Using a one-dimensional electromagnetic particle code which simulates self-consistently the full ion and electron dynamics, we study instabilities driven by energetic ions injected continuously in a plasma where the density and the lower-hybrid resonance frequency ωLH increase with time. The simulation shows that the ion cyclotron harmonic wave with ω ≃ lΩi, where l is an integer and Ωi is the ion cyclotron frequency, is excited when ωLH becomes close to lΩi. When ωLH is greater than lΩi, this wave couples with the ion Bernstein mode that has the dispersion curve connecting to ωLH. It is also found that as a result of the instabilities and the wave-wave coupling, the stair-like frequency chirping with the riser Ωi appears in the magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range of ωLH. The frequency chirping has characteristics similar to the frequency chirping observed in the RF radiations at the plasma start-up phase of the LHD experiments.}, title = {Simulation Study of Energetic Ion Driven Instabilities near the Lower Hybrid Resonance Frequency in a Plasma with Increasing Density}, volume = {14}, year = {2019} }