@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011401, author = {NISHIURA, Masaki and YOSHIDA, Zensho and YANO, Yoshihisa and KAWAZURA, Yohei and MUSHIAKE, Toshiki and SAITOH, Haruhisa and YAMASAKI, Miyuri and KASHYAP, Ankur and TAKAHASHI, Noriki and NAKATSUKA, Masataka and TAKASE, Yuichi and FUKUYAMA, Atsushi}, issue = {Special Issue 1}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, month = {May}, note = {0000-0003-2410-7550, Ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heating with a frequency of a few MHz and an input power of 10 kW was applied for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, in a magnetosphere plasma device. An antenna was installed near the pole of a dipole field for slow-wave excitation. Further, a ∩-shaped antenna was implemented and characterized for efficient ion heating. Electron cyclotron heating with an input power of 8 kW sustained helium plasmas with a fill gas pressure of 3 mPa. ICRF heating was then superimposed onto the target plasma (H, D, and He). While the ICRF power was turned on, the increase in ion temperatures was observed for low-pressure helium plasmas. However, the temperature increase was not clearly observed for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas. We discuss the experimental results in terms of power absorption based on result calculated with the TASK/WF2 code.}, title = {Increase in Ion Temperature by Slow Wave Heating in Magnetosphere Plasma Device RT-1}, volume = {11}, year = {2016} }