@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011588, author = {YOKOYAMA, Masayuki and SUZUKI, Chihiro and SEKI, Ryosuke and OSAKABE, Masaki and YOSHINUMA, Mikiro and YOSHINUMA, Mikirou and SATO, Masahiko and WAKASA, Arimitsu and MURAKAMI, Sadayoshi and FUKUYAMA, Atsushi and SUZUKI, Yasuhiro and IDA, Katsumi and LEE, Hyungho and LHD Experiment Group}, issue = {Special Issue 1}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research Volume 8, 2403016}, month = {Mar}, note = {0000-0001-8856-1483, In this study, the integrated transport analysis suite, TASK3D-a, was developed to enhance the physics understanding and accurate discussion of the Large Helical Device (LHD) experiment toward facilitating transport model validation. Steady-state and dynamic (transient) transport analyses of NBI (neutral-beam-injection)-heated LHD plasmas have been greatly facilitated by this suite. This will increase the predictability of the transport properties of LHD plasmas toward reactor-relevant regimes and reactor-scale plasmas.}, title = {Development of Integrated Transport Analysis Suite for LHD Plasmas Towards Transport Model Validation and Increased Predictability}, volume = {8}, year = {2013} }