@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000176, author = {Komori, A. and IGUCHI, H. and Fujiwara, M. and SHOJI, T. and HOSOKAWA, M. and Kawai, Y. and IKEGAMI, Hideo}, issue = {Issue 4}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B}, month = {Apr}, note = {The stabilization of low-frequency density fluctuations is evidenced in the Nagoya Bumpy Torus (NBT-1M) [Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (IAEA, Vienna, 1985), Vol. 2, p. 551] in the presence of microwave-heated hot-electron rings. Flute-type fluctuations, which are considered to be stabilized by the charge-uncovering effect of the rings, are found to cause large plasma losses, and to affect radial density profiles in the way that the lower fluctuation level yields the steeper density gradient. The particle confinement is, therefore, improved by the hot-electron rings to some extent, but is mainly determined by the plasma convection, which is expected from the discrepancy between density and potential profiles. It is also found that fluctuations in a toroidal plasma inside the ring grow when a weak negative ambipolar potential and a steep density gradient are formed, and are reduced to a low level when a deep potential well is achieved.}, title = {Density fluctuations and confinement in the Nagoya Bumpy Torus (NBT-1M)}, volume = {Vol.3}, year = {1991} }