@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000179, author = {MIYAZAWA, Junichi and MASUZAKI, Suguru and GOTO, Motoshi and TAMURA, Naoki and SAKAMOTO, Ryuichi and PETERSON, Byron J. and YAMADA, Ichihiro and NARIHARA, Kazumichi and TANAKA, Kenji and TOKUZAWA, Tokihiko and SHOJI, Mamoru and FUNABA, Hisamichi and SAKAKIBARA, Satoru and KOBAYASHI, Masahiro and OSAKABE, Masaki and MORITA, Shigeru and ARIMOTO, Hajime and KONDOH, Katsumi and MURAKAMI, Sadayoshi and NISHIURA, Masaki and ASHIKAWA, Naoko and MORISAKI, Tomohiro and NISHIMURA, Kiyohiko and YAMADA, Hiroshi and OHYABU, Nobuyoshi and KOMORI, Akio and MOTOJIMA, Osamu and the, LHD Experimental Group}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, month = {Jan}, note = {In the Large Helical Device (LHD), the hot plasma column shrinks at the high-density regime and complete detachment takes place. Hydrogen volume recombination is observed at complete detachment. This phase is self-sustained under specific experimental conditions and called the Serpens mode (self-regulated plasma edge ‘neath the last-closed-flux-surface). The Serpens mode is achieved after either rapid or slow density ramp up, and either by hydrogen or helium gas puffing. The threshold conditions for complete detachment and the Serpens mode are experimentally documented in the parameter space of heating power and density. The threshold density for the Serpens mode transition increases with ? 0.4 power of the heating power. The total radiation is shown to be not adequate to describe the threshold conditions, since it mainly includes the information of very edge region outside the hot plasma column. The operational density limit in LHD, which is sustainable in steady state, has been extended to 1.7 times as high as the Sudo density limit, by applying pellet injection to the Serpens plasmas.}, title = {Density Regimes of Complete Detachment and Serpens Mode in LHD}, volume = {Vol.1}, year = {2006} }