@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000238, author = {MATSUDA, Shinzaburo and KIMURA, Kazue}, month = {Feb}, note = {森茂、森一久兄弟は広島の御典医の家系の家に生まれ、戦時中兄茂は東京帝国大学理学部物理学科宮本研究室に、弟一久は京都帝国大学理学部物理学科湯川研究室にそれぞれ在籍して東京、京都にいた。広島に原爆が投下されたとき爆心地に近い自宅兼診療所は倒壊するだけでなく、両親を始め、長兄夫婦と姪の一家 5名が原爆の犠牲となった。日本各地の中核都市で空襲が激しくなり、家族のことを心配していた茂・一久兄弟が相談し、交代して広島に行くことになっていて、たまたま広島に行っていた一久が被爆し、自らも原爆症に苦しみながらも九死に一生を得て健康を取り戻した。 一家が原爆の犠牲となったにもかかわらず、戦後自由な時代を迎え、森兄弟の生涯は原子カエネルギーの利用と未来の核融合エネルギー開発という何れも核エネルギーの利用・開発に生涯をかけたようにみえる。しかも並大抵のものではなく、ゆるぎない信念を持って開発にあたっていたように感じる。この冊子は両氏の足跡を辿りながら、氏らが後進に伝えたかったであろうことを筆者らの主観を交えて纏めたものである。, Brothers of Shigeru and Kazuhisa were born in Hiroshima, Japan in Mori’s family known as medical doctor “gotten-i”. In the middle of World War II, Sigeru was studying physics at Univ. of Tokyo, and Kazuhisa was also studying physics at Kyoto-Univ. Since regional central cities were exposed to the aerial attack one by one, Shigeru and Kazuhisa had discussed going and staying in Hiroshima to take care of their old parents. When the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, their home and clinical house collapsed, and five persons in their family, including parents, an elder brother couple, and their daughter were killed. Kazuhisa staying in Hiroshima at that time was also trapped by the crushed house and exposed to high radiation caused by the atomic bomb, but barely he escaped death and recovered. Regardless of the tragedy of their family, Mori brothers, Shigeru engaged in the research and development of nuclear fusion research, and Kazuhisa to the utilization of atomic energy by the power plant, both devoted their lives to the peaceful use of atomic energy. The authors are impressed by their firm confidence in their approaches and their mind of responsibility. Tracing what they had thought and done through the archives documents and through direct communication, the authors wish to convey their message without prejudice to the next generation of researchers, engineers, and leaders of this country.}, title = {森茂・一久 エネルギー開発に生涯をかけた兄弟}, year = {2023} }