@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000631, author = {KOBAYASHI, Tatsuya and KOBAYASHI, Masahiro and NARUSHIMA, Yoshiro and SUZUKI, Yasuhiro and TANAKA, Kenji and MOTOJIMA, Gen and WATANABE, Kiyomasa and MUKAI, Kiyofumi and HAYASHI, Yuki}, issue = {7}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, month = {Jun}, note = {ORCID 0000-0001-5669-1937, A new self-sustained divertor oscillation is discovered in magnetic island induced detached plasmas in the Large Helical Device. The divertor oscillation is found to be a self-regulation of the width of an edge magnetic island accompanied by detachment-attachment transitions. The modified Rutherford equation combined with an ad-hoc bootstrap current equation is introduced to describe the divertor oscillation as a predator–prey model between the magnetic island width and a remnant X-point bootstrap current. The model successfully reproduces the experimental observations in terms of the oscillation frequency, the phase relation between variables, and the oscillation amplitude.}, title = {New type of self-sustained divertor oscillation driven by magnetic island dynamics in Large Helical Device}, volume = {64}, year = {2024} }