@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000636, author = {KINOSHITA, Toshiki and TANAKA, Kenji and ISHIZAWA, Akihiro and SAKAI, Hikona and NUNAMI, Masanori and OHTANI, Yoshiaki and YAMADA, Hiroshi and SATO, Masahiko and NAKATA, Motoki and TOKUZAWA, Tokihiko and YASUHARA, Ryo and TAKEMURA, Yuki and TAKEMURA, Yuuki and YAMADA, Ichihiro and FUNABA, Hisamichi and IDA, Katsumi and YOSHINUMA, Mikiro and YOSHINUMA, Mikirou and TSUJIMIRA, Toru and TSUJIMURA, Toru Ii and SEKI, Ryosuke and ICHIGUCHI, Katsuji and MICHAEL, C.A.}, issue = {23}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, month = {Jun}, note = {ORCID 0000-0003-3930-4434, In this study, we discovered a turbulence transition in a large helical device. The turbulence level and turbulence-driven energy transport decrease to a specific transition density and increase above it. The ruling turbulences below and above the transition density were ion-temperature gradient (ITG) and resistive-interchange (RI) turbulences, consistent with the predictions of gyrokinetic theory and two-fluid MHD model, respectively. Isotope experiments on hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D) clarified the role of transitions. In the ITG regime, turbulence levels and energy transport were comparable in the H and D plasmas. In contrast, in the RI regime, they were clearly suppressed in the D plasma. The results provide crucial knowledge for understanding isotope effects and future optimization of stellarator and heliotron devices.}, title = {Turbulence Transition in Magnetically Confined Hydrogen and Deuterium Plasmas}, volume = {132}, year = {2024} }