@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000384, author = {IDA, Katsumi and YOSHINUMA, Mikirou and GOTO, Motoshi and ATAKE, Makoto and ATAKE, Makoto and IWAMAE, Atsushi and IDA, Katsumi and YOSHINUMA, Mikirou and GOTO, Motoshi}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {The Line ratios within σ and π components of Hα lines from high energy hydrogen atom with Motional Stark Effect are investigated experimentally using the heating beam and plasma in Large Helical Device with the magnetic field of 2.78 T. The line averaged electron density and central electron temperature in the plasma are 2 × 1019 m?3 and 1.5 keV, respectively. The emission spectra are measured through four sets of polarizer which tilted by 0, 45, 90, and 135 degree with respect to the magnetic field at the plasma center using an imaging spectrometer. Nine lines of Hα lines ( 0σ, 1σ+, 1σ?, 2π+, 2π?, 3π+, 3π?, 4π+, 4π?) are observed in the spectra emitted from the hydrogen beam with the energy of 150 ? 180 keV/amu. The line ratio of circular polarized components 1σ/0σ, is significantly larger than that caculated although the line ratio of linear polarized components 4π/3π is consistent with the calculation. The discrepancy of the line ratio of 1σ/0σ, becomes larger when it is observed more perpendicular to the beam line, which suggest the elliptical polarization of σ lines due to the non-Maxwell proton excitation by high energy beam.}, title = {Line Ratios within sigma and π Components of H_alpha Lines from High Energy Hydrogen Atom with Motional Stark Effect}, volume = {Vol.7}, year = {2006} }