@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000461, author = {YOSHIMURA, Shinji and OKAMOTO, Atsushi and OKAMOTO, Atsushi and TANAKA, Masayoshi Y. and TANAKA, Masayoshi Y. and YOSHIMURA, Shinji}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {The first experimental observation of a plasma hole structure in an ECR argon plasma is reported. The plasma hole is a cylindrical density cavity, which is formed spontaneously in the center of the plasma. The steep density gradient between the hole plasma and the ambient plasma is sustained by a thin interfacial layer, the width of which is a few ion Larmor radii. Supersonic rotation is found over the large cross-sectional area of Ar plasma hole. The axial flow can also exceed ion sound speed. Spectral measurements revealed that the neutral density profile exhibits a hole structure as well as that in ion density, the diameter of which is much shorter than the mean free path of neutral particles.}, title = {Observation of Plasma Hole in an ECR Ar Plasma}, volume = {Vol.6}, year = {2004} }