@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000516, author = {MURAKAMI, Izumi and KATO, Takako and SAFRONOVA, Ulyana and SAFRONOVA, Ulyana I. and KOBUCHI, Takashi and GOTO, Motoshi and MORITA, Shigeru and MURAKAMI, Izumi and KATO, Takako and KOBUCHI, Takashi and GOTO, Motoshi and MORITA, Shigeru}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {A collisional-radiative model for Be-like oxygen ions has been constructed for OV plasma spectroscopy. The model takes into account recombination processes as well as collisional ionization, radiative transitions, and collisional excitation/deexcitation. Two sets of atomic data are used for comparison. We obtain OV line intensities as functions of electron temperature and density. The line intensity ratios of 2s3s 35 - 2s3p 'Pr=o.r., are measured in LHD plasmas and are consistent with our models. The line intensity ratio of 2s2p 3P - 2p"P and 2s2 tS - 2s2p rP in recombining plasma is an increasing function of temperature and one measured in the LHD plasma indicates electron temperature less than 7eV. The ratios measured in steady-state phase are larger than I and difficult to explain with the current model.}, title = {Properties of OV Spectral Lines in Ionizing and Recombining Plasmas}, volume = {Vol.5}, year = {2002} }