@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000590, author = {SUGAMA, Hideo and WATANABE, Tomohiko and SUGAMA, Hideo and WATANABE, Tomohiko}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {A spectral analysis of the velocity distribution function in the slab ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence is done by using high-resolution Eulerian kinetic simulation results. It is clarified how the entropy variable associated with the fine-scale structure of the distribution function is produced by the turbulent heat transport in the presence of the temperature gradient, transferred from macro to microscales in the velocity space through phase- mixing processes, and dissipated by collisions. An interesting analogy between the entropy spectrum in the ITG turbulence and the spectrum of a passive scalar quantity in a turbulent fluid is pointed out. The entropy spectral function is analytically derived and confirmed by the simulation result. It is shown that the entropy spectrum obeys a power law in the range that is free from instability sources and collisional dissipation.}, title = {Spectrum of the Velocity Distribution Function in the Slab Ion Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulence}, volume = {Vol.6}, year = {2004} }