@article{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000661, author = {YOSHIMURA, Yasuo and AKIYAMA, Tsuyoshi and ISOBE, Mitsutaka and SHIMIZU, Akihiro and SUZUKI, Chihiro and TAKAHASHI, Chihiro and NAGAOKA, Kenichi and NISHIMURA, Shin and MINAMI, Takashi and OKAMURA, Shoichi and MATSUOKA, Keisuke and KUBO, Shin and SHIMOZUMA, Takashi and NOTAKE, Takashi and OHKUBO, Kunizo}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {To clarify the effect of polarization on electron cyclotron heating (ECH) in magnetized plasmas, experiment controlling the polarization of injected EC-waves is carried out in Compact Helical System (CHS). In the experiment, plasmas are generated and sustained only with 106.4 GHz ECH power. Magnetic field at the magnetic axis is 1.9 T so that the wave frequency is second harmonic. The optimum direction of linear polarization for the shortest time-delay of density start-up from the start of power injection and the optimum direction for the highest electron temperature and plasma stored energy during plasma duration show clear difference. The difference is attributed to the CHS magnetic configuration with strong shear and the plasma volume expansion from magnetic axis to the last closed flux surface.}, title = {Variation of Heating Efficiency of Magnetically Sheared CHS Plasmas by Polarization Control of 106GHz EC-Wave}, volume = {Vol. 6}, year = {2004} }