@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009809, author = {"Itoh, S-I. and Itoh, K."}, month = {May}, note = {"Statistical theory of strong turbulence in inhomogeneous plasmas is extended to the state where fluctuations with different scale lengths, micro and semi-micro modes, coexist. Their nonlinear interactions give several states of turbulence: in one state, the micro mode is excited while the semi-micro mode is quenched; in another state, the latter is excited while the micro mode is suppressed. A new turbulence transition with a hard bifurcation was obtained. A phase diagram was obtained. A new insight is given for the physics of internal transport barrier."}, title = {Transition in Multiple-scale-lengthsTurbulence in Plasmas}, year = {2001} }