@techreport{oai:nifs-repository.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009995, author = {"Murakami, S. and Okamoto, M. and Nakajima, N. and Watanabe, K.Y. and Watari, T. and Mutoh, T. and Kumazawa, R. and Seki, T."}, month = {Sep}, note = {"A Monte Carlo simulation code has been developed for studying ICRF minority heating in heliotron/torsatrons, which includes complicated orbits of high energetic particles, Coulomb collisions, interactions between the particles and the applied RF-field, and the self-determined radial electric field in the finite beta equilibrium. Calculations have been carried out using the code to study physics of ICRF minority heating in heliotron/torsatrons taking the Large Helical Device as an example. The radial electric field is self-consistently determined taking into account orbit loss of accelerated minority ions. Common characteristics of physics of ICRF minority heating in heliotron/torsatrons, such as effects of finite beta, location of resonance layer, finite parallel component of k, localization of the RF-field, minority species, and the radial electric field, are clarified."}, title = {Monte Carlo Simulation for ICRF Heating in Heliotron/Torsatrons}, year = {1994} }